Wood Betony

Last fall, Jim McDonald was kind enough to send me a few wood betony plants, I've had them in pots, and they've traveled from Michigan, to Colorado, and in the back seat of my car back to Tucson. they just started to flower this past week. I think they are happy!

I also found a place to call home, and it has a sweet little backyard and the landlady said to plant away, she likes having pretty flowers around, so that means I get to plant plant babies!! There's a little side yard outside the kitchen door, so I'm gonna put in some kitchen herbs just outside the kitchen there to cook with, and then we'll clean up the back yard, and put some nice plants back there too, under the Ramada. There's even a little corner fixture that someone put in in 1953 (scratched into the cement) that looks like a perfect spot for an outdoor altar. I'm SO glad we have our own place again! I'm feeling all nesty and can't wait to unpack and make it home!
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