Lets Nail this thing..

Well, That seemed to work okay? A little too easy.. but we will see. Give me two weeks to nail this thing and from there on in it will be dialed inn (ish!).

We are off to Glastonbury! as many of you will know. We leave a week on Monday, for 7wonderful rain free days.. So, this blog will be on hold for that period. Why even bother start it now? Start it after Glastonbury!! Well, if i wasn't such a work shy layabout i would be creating stock and this wouldn't be an option, yet. However, i find great joy in giving myself distractions from what i should be doing!

This is weird, i feel even more self indulgent than usual writing this crap !! I promise this will rise from written diarrhoea to vaguely interesting, hairy growler creative musings... yeah right. No i promise. My word is my bond.

have a great day
