The Energy of Movement and Asking for what you need

I am so blessed. I'm packing up my bags for a trip to the Anima center for the Shaman's Path gathering. Over and over since I've arrived home, I've asked for assistance in many ways and everything I need has come my way. I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to those who purchased salves from me this week. You've made my trip to NM a reality, (which is a HUGE thing, as I'm in great personal need of reconnection and sacred healing time in a place of power and love) I'm able to eat, and it has renewed my faith that I can make a living doing what I love. Ask and ye shall recieve, so it goes. I have a vision of health and wholeness and connection to the Earth , and thank you for supporting it in all the ways you have all done in the last month.

Life is beautiful and sweet, full of challenge and growth. Thank you for letting me be challenged and helping me grow into a braver, wilder spirit free of the shackles we like to imagine are keeping us down.

I'll be back after the fourth of July holiday, ready and waiting for clients, herb walk participants and more.