Trisha's Friday Summer Favorites July 18th

It’s Friday and time for more of my Summer Favorites:

My Favorite Summer Me time:

Each Summer for the past 3 years I have treated myself to ME time at my local nail salon with a pedicure…I look forward to the warm weather and wearing my flip flops with my freshly painted toe nails, I also love the added little flower 
design they paint on my big toes. To me this is a gre
at ME time treat.

What do you do for a Summer ME time treat?

My Favorite Summer swim cover-up:

This year I found the perfect, inexpensive swim suit cover-up at my local wal-mart for $11.88. Not only are they my favorite they are also my two teen daughters favorites.  We each purchased one in different colors. Mine is chocolate brown, Shelby’s is white and Sav
annah purchased an orange one. They are a strapless , made of comfy terry cloth and can also be used as an after shower cover up while getting ready for the day. I am getting such great use out of this cover up I might need to head back to wal-mart and buy a second one.

My Favorite Summer Reading:

If you recall from my past blog entries I am a magazine junkie, and when you have several monthly subscriptions and 5 kids there is NOT always time to sit and read each one so I have been using my boys swim lesson time to catch up on my magazine reading.

I am enjoying reading the articles, clipping the recipes and coupons, and getting in the KNOW of what is new beyond my front porch, I enjoy reading the book reviews, real life stories, How to articles and helpful tips as a MOM.

My Favorite magazines to catch up reading on are Today’s Christian Women, Hallmark, Real Simple  and Family Circle.

Do you have a Favorite Magazine?

My Favorite Summer Candy:

During the summer months I tend to eat more Red Vines red licorice then anytime of the year – I have a hard time walking past a package of it while I’m shopping at the grocery store, Target or Wal-mart. I even keep a supply in my RV for our camping trips.

Though, I will continue to be faithful to Red Vines red licorice I did come across a new licorice that was so incredibly good I had to tell my daughter to take the bag away from me, it really was not a healthy lunch. This amazing sweet treat was called Kookaburra licorice from Australia. Mango is my favorite flavor, it also comes in a variety of other flavors. I found a place you can buy it online – if you live in Gig Harbor you can purchase it at Harbor Greens.

Do you have a favorite summer candy?

Come back next Friday for more of my favorites.