New Autumn Hairy Growler recycled jewellery collection

Well here we are again, thinking, wow, you really are quite crap at keep a simple thing like a blog up to date............. However, it is important to note that i have been creating a fab collection of gorgeous handcrafted and recycled, re purposed jewelry especially to welcome in the new autumn.

This year we have two lovely new autumn trees. The first being an early autumn / late summer tree, losing leaves and delicately crafted from the bowl of an unwanted soup spoon. The second, a late autumn / early winter tree would make a perfect Christmas present for any discerning recycled jewellery aficionado.

We have also just been given a brilliant selection of 'fish knives' which i have used to create a little one off collection of 'love grows' brooches to add to the star crossed range. The one above is an example. Each and every one is different and totally unique. Check out very soon to see the new items! I also have a new collection of birth record spoons, wedding gifts and other unusual recycled cutlery pieces at and ! What a mouthful.