WIN - Limited Edition Pink Grapefruit Tic Tac

Get a taste of Pink this October to help raise awareness and support for those affected by a cancer diagnosis with Limited Edition Tic Tac® Pink Grapefruit. Available only August through October, the special color and flavor is part of the Tic Tac brand’s ongoing support of CancerCare®, a national organization focused on providing support for people affected by cancer, including caregivers, loved ones and the bereaved.

In 2009, CancerCare provided direct services to more than 117,000 people in 92% of U.S. counties. This year, Tic Tac will donate $100,000 to CancerCare, as part of its commitment to the cause.

Tic Tac® has also launched its official Facebook page to encourage fans to Shake, Share & Care by posting their kind acts in an effort to help the brand reach its goal of an additional $100,000 donation to the organization. Fans are encouraged to visit Tic Tac's Facebook Page and share their acts of caring by clicking here.

Service size for Pink Grapefruit flavor Tic Tac is 1 piece, which contains 1.9 calories, zero grams of fat and carbohydrates. Pink Grapefruit and other flavor Tic Tac mints can be purchased at select drug, grocery, mass merchandiser, warehouse club and convenient stores.

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Tic Tac are giving away 12-pack of Limited Edition Tic Tac Pink Grapefruit.

Enter for your chance to win:

1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address.

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on October 24, 2010.

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*We received a complimentary Pink Grapefruit Tic Tac for review no financial compensation was received.