WIN - Sony Ericsson Vivaz Phone

It's the MOM Phone. I remember 10 years ago standing in a Disney theme park and making the comment someone needs to come out with an all in one phone, camera and video camera so that we moms don't have to carry around an arsenal of equipment.

So, when I was introduced to the Sony Ericsson Vivaz from AT&T I had one of those it's about time moments....a phone that does it all, designed for moms, simple to use and affordable. Allow me to tell you about the NEW

As we head into a new school year, capturing special moments is top of mind for parents with young kids, teens and college bound students. Sony Ericsson has just launched a new phone called Vivaz, that helps mom’s take great HD videos and high resolution photos with an 8.1 megapixel camera.

So, when the little one takes the first step, your teenager starts driving or the college student graduates, you will be able to capture those moments with Vivaz and share them with friends and family with a one step upload to YouTube.

Vivaz Key Features

· Users can capture spontaneous moments and memories instantly with a two quick camera keys – video and photo

· Pre-loaded links to YouTube and Picasa that make it easy to upload HD videos and high resolution

photos for sharing

· Facebook and Twitter applications

· Wi-Fi

· Stereo Bluetooth wireless technology

· Vlingo – voice recognition for searching the Web, composing messages and more

24/7 MOMS and Sony Ericsson are giving away a Vivaz Phone.

Enter for your chance to win:

1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address.

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on October 17, 2010.

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*We received a complimentary Vivaz Phone for review no financial compensation was received.