It’s National Literacy Month, and there’s no better time than NOW to teach your kids about money. No preschooler is going to sit through Finance 101, so a brand new website helps parents teach young kids about money in a unique and fun way. helps kids grasp an early concept of money with a fun, kid-friendly currency called Beanz. Beanz are earned as positive reinforcement for an array of good doings- a kind deed, good behavior, a job well done, etc. Parents can add in another layer of learning by teaching saving and donating.
Here’s how it works: Each child has a Beanz Spending and a Beanz Savings account, along with access to a community Donation account. Beanz can be added, redeemed (“cashed-in”) or donated. Redeeming is done by subtracting Beanz from the child’s account which triggers the option for the parent to have a custom Beanz Reward Card mailed to their child (and what child doesn’t LOVE getting mail!). The optional Reward Card ($5) announces their reward, which parents determine and supply (a special toy, slumber party, staying up late for movie night, a trip to the zoo). What’s more, $1 from the sale of every Beanz Reward Card is donated to K.I.D.S. (Kids In Distressed Situations).