My country kitchen

Today is a beautiful, warm, sunny day in June and I am free to play. So I'm playing around in my garden and kitchen. I felt like shaking things up a bit so I swiped an antique table from my 'office' and put it beside my antique cabinet in the kitchen. But, it needed something. Some flowers. A trip to my garden yielded these two allium that have been returning year after year. I love them so much I don't know why I haven't planted a whole new crop (note to self, plant allium this autumn). Then I decided they would look perfect in my new (old) glass bottle that I found at my local antique/garage-sale store.

It's a Florida Druggists Water Bottle from Murray and Lanman.
For jangled nerves produced by excitement or shock, Murray and Lanman's Florida Water applied to the forehead and used as a rubdown, usually relieves nervous tension and relaxes the muscles'.

I love it!

Linking up to Craft Catwalk at Embellishing Life