Natty Nuthatch

I'll be honest here - I had set my camera up to see if I could catch a Rosy Breasted Grosbeak (that furtive bird!) when suddenly this natty nuthatch appeared within my focus! and it seemed to freeze when it saw me. I very quickly took as many shots as I could (twenty-five maybe) and was so excited with my capture that I called it a night and went in. I applied a texture by Kim Klassen 'subtly yours' and a hue/saturation adjustment to calm down the background and then erased over the bird. Nuthatches have always reminded me of Grandpa from the 'Munsters' with their sleek peaked forehead and tuxedo-type markings. Apparently there are a lot of pet nicknames for nuthatches, but mine is Grandpa!

Linking up to World Bird Wednesday at 'The Pine River Review'