WIN - DADGUM That's Good! Cookbook

John McLemore, a southernerthrough-and-through, was born an entrepreneur and accidentally became acook.  John and Don, brothers and owners of Masterbuilt, a company thatmakes cooking products, stumbled upon a secret.  The brothers often testedtheir cooking products by making family recipes.  During this testing theyrealized they had created a simple method of cooking what most people considervery difficult recipes.  John decided that this method and his familyrecipes needed to be shared with the world.  With the publication of“DADGUM, That’s Good!” Kickbutt Recipes for Smoking, Grilling, Frying, Boilingand Steaming anyone can cook these great recipes with ease.

·        60,000 of thesebooks have already been sold to QVC, where John has legions of fans.

 ·        Paula Deen – inher foreword to the book – said, “I’m tickled pink that John has written thiscookbook.  I can’t think of anyone or anything that has made my cookinglife easier than John’s awesome products.  This is a man who knows howgood food should taste and how it’s best prepared…John has set a new standardof cooking with this book.”

Available at: Amazon, QVC,Cabela’s, Masterbuilt's website.

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and John McLemore are giving away a DADGUM That's Good! Cookbook.
Enter for a chance to win:
1.  Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave  a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

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US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on June 25, 2011.

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**We received a complimentary DADGUM That's Good! Cookbook for review no financial compensation was received.