Tips for a Frugal Summer Vacation

Thewarm summer months are the perfect time to get out of the house and stretchyour legs. No one wants to waste their summer vacation. Unfortunately, ifyou’re on a budget, it may seem like most summer activities are just out ofyour price range. Luckily, with a little creativity, your summer doesn’t haveto be expensive. There are tons of affordable summer activities for frugalfamilies and couples to enjoy on their summer vacation.
Eight Tips for a Frugal SummerVacation:
1.Go fishing:

While fishing does require an initial investment, it’s an activity that can beenjoyed time and time again. Once you’ve bought your poles, lures, and fishinglicense, you’ll be set for the rest of the summer. Fishing with loved ones is agreat way to unwind, bond, and even compete with one another.
2.Check out local trails:

Most towns have a few good parks. Spend some time hiking and exploring the landaround you. While exploring the trails, take the time to stop and smell theroses. Enjoy the greenery and wildlife that you don’t get to see on a regularbasis.
3.Visit the local museum:

Most museums have at least one day a week that it’s free to get in. Someaquariums and science centers also have discount days or days that they letkids in for free. See what’s available in your area and make sure to takeadvantage of any discounts.
4.Go to an art festival or gallery:

Art festivals are fun for both kids and adults. Festivals are free to visit andoffer great food, art, and entertainment. If you need a night out from thekids, take your other half to a gallery opening. For a small entry fee mostgallery openings will provide appetizers and drinks, as well as someinteresting conversation starters.
5.Create your own book club:

Create a list of books that each of your loved ones would enjoy. Get togetherand read passages, discuss your favorite parts, and really make the most ofyour new club.
6.Pick your own produce:

A lot of farms let customers pick their own strawberries and other produce. Notonly is this produce organic and reasonably priced, but you’ll be supportingyour local farmers.
7.Host a barbecue:

If you have a grill, pick up some hot dogs and hamburgers and host a barbecue.To save money, ask all of your guests to bring a dish. There’s nothing betterthan enjoying some barbecue with friends and loved ones on a warm summer night.
8.Have a craft day:

Get together with your friends and/or family and brainstorm craft ideas. Makesomething fun like homemade playdough, picture frames, or magnets. Grab somesnacks and enjoy a fun craft day.
Summeractivities don’t have to be expensive. To keep your summer packed with funactivities, make a list of entertainment venues in your area. See if your localmovie theatres, driving ranges, museums, restaurants, and bowling alleys offerdiscounts on certain days of the week. A frugal summer definitely doesn’t haveto mean a boring summer. It simply means that you’ll have to use a bit ofcreativity to make it special.
Nicole Rodgers hasbeen blogging for three years; she used a free website builder to create a blog for her sister so that her sister canshare her fun family summer activities with her friends.  She also loves finding great deals on designer eyewear so that she can stay stylish through the summer.