WIN - Yamodo Themes

Yamodo Themes are the on the go versions of Yamodo that can be playedanytime anywhere. The twist this time is that the drawings and definitionsshould be related to the category of the game theme. Each person selects a cardand then uses their imagination to draw and define the made-up word written atthe top of each card. To help spark the creative process and take theintimidation out of drawing, each card has the start of an existing doodle forplayers to add too. The card is then passed to the next player to add to thedrawing and definition. The cards become increasingly outrageous as playerspass the card around for others to build on. As a result, Yamodos creativecollaborations have people uploading their creations on Yamodo's website for all to see. We call itupload your best and see the rest. Click here to see over 1,000 uploaded yamodos.

For ages 8 and up. 

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Yamodo are giving away 3 Yamodo Themes.

Enter for your chance to win:

1.  Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address. 

Extra entries for each:
US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on July 16, 2011.

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**We received a complimentary Yamodo Themes for review no financial compensation was received.