Barb's Saskatoon Pie

Never heard of a Saskatoon Berry? They may not grow where you live. The Saskatoon is native to the Canadian Prairies, Northern Canada, British Columbia, the Northwestern, North Central United States and Alaska and the berries grow on trees that reach heights of 15 feet - (

Some recipes have you place fresh berries right onto the crust and then you sprinkle on the sugar, etc. I find that by cooking the berries and essentially making a pie filling you end up with a smoother, softer filling. Saskatoons can be a little bit tough and my method ensures that they turn out tender. So here's my pie! It is sooo delish!

I hope you have access to these berries so that you are able to enjoy this fabulous prairie treat! There's really nothing else like it!

Linking up to Straight out of the Camera at Murrieta 365

Miz Helen’s Country Cottage