WIN - 1001 Things Every College Student Needs to Know and 1001 Things Every Teen Should Know Before They Leave Home Books

More kids than ever are
applying to college because they know that in this computerized, global
economy, a bachelor's degree holds the keys to the kingdom—but more students
than ever are leaving school without a degree. In fact, one in three Americans
in their midtwenties are college dropouts. Only 54 percent of college freshmen
graduate within six years.

Let’s not dwell on how
your parents have destroyed their 401(k)s to send you to school. Or how you’ve
taken out student loans that you can only hope to pay back if you have a
medical degree. Let’s focus on what’s actually happening here. Students are
showing up on campus unprepared for the course load, ill equipped to
prioritize, helpless to solve problems without Mom running interference, and
lacking the inner strength to stand up to the pressures, demands, and
challenges they will inevitably face the next four years. Or more.

The fact is, you need
to know a few things. Well, maybe about a thousand things. Because college
grades, graduate school, and test scores determine who will carry an American
Express Platinum Card in the future. If you graduate from any four-year school,
the system is on your side. But the system is definitely against you if you do
something brainless. Like leave college. This is a world where the educated get
richer and the uneducated get poorer.

So the message here is
simple. Don’t let something stupid like too much partying, a bad romance, not
buying books on time, or chronic disorganization ruin the rest of your life.
You need staying power. This book is how to get it.

Every year millions of teens
are unleashed into society. And parents are left wondering, “How long will they
make it out there?” That’s because studies indicate a full 50 percent of them
will move back home in five or six years. And stay for a while. So it’s no
wonder that late at night these parents start to worry, “Dear Lord, we didn’t
cover everything!

They could be back by
Thursday!” Then they frantically call their grown children to tell them
the million things they don’t remember teaching them, but the kids are gaily
partying the night away with cell phones turned off in celebration of being
liberated from their parents. Well, all is not lost. The good news is, there
are only about a thousand things a teen needs to learn in order to think and
act like an adult. And for the most part, it’s all here. But remember, the time
to start preparing children for adulthood is while  they’re still young. The alternative is a thirty-year-old
teenager losing the remote control, not cleaning their room, and staying out
way past their curfew.

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US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on September 3, 2011.

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**We received a complimentary 1001 Things Every College Student Needs to Know and 1001 Things Every Teen Should Know Before They Leave Home for review no financial compensation was received.