WIN - Don't Fret the Sweat Beach Bag

The “Don’t Fret the Sweat” campaign provides expert
tips and resources to help parents navigate the many sweat-inducing moments of
their tween’s life and better understand the physical and emotional changes
they’re facing. 

Click here to "Like" Don't Fret the Sweat on Facebook and join in on the conversation.

We know summer break can be a tough time for moms who
want to keep their kids active while managing “sweat-inducing” family moments
from changing routines to the first day at summer camp. That’s why Don’t Fret
the Sweat would like to give you an opportunity to win a gift bag with all the summer
essentials – plus an iPod to bring along your favorite tunes – for a relaxing
day at the beach with your kids.

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Don't Fret the Sweat are giving away a "Don't Fret the Sweat" beach bag containing the following:

•       Exclusive
Don’t Fret the Sweat beach bag

•       2GB
iPod Shuffle

•       $25
iTunes gift card

•       Beach

•       Beach

•       Sports
water bottle

•       Sunscreen
(Coppertone SPORT, SPF 50)

•       Vaseline
Daily Aloe Fresh Moisturizing Body Gel

•       Unilever
deodorant sticks  

Enter for a chance to win:

1.  Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter
your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along
with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address. 

Extra entries for each:

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on September 3, 2011.

Enter your email address:

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**We received a complimentary Don't Fret the Sweat Beach Bag for review no financial compensation was received.