August 1st – 7th is World Breast Feeding Week
Breastfeedingis the most natural and healthiest form of nutrition a baby can get andaccording to the Center for Disease Control, 70 percent of new mothers beginbreastfeeding immediately after birth. There are many advantages tobreastfeeding, it helps protect against illnesses, allergies and helps build astrong immune system for the child. Being able to share that proximity between mother and child is also animportant part of motherhood. And while breastfeeding in public is protected bylaw, in most states, not everyone is comfortable doing so due to concerns aboutexposing themselves to others.
Nursingmothers never need to feel self-conscious again about breastfeeding in publicwith the Simply Good Nursing Cover Duo,a practical nursing cover that has an incorporated detachable burp cloth. Withthe Nursing Cover Duo nursingmothers can discreetly breastfeed their baby anywhere, anytime or even pump atthe office and it is large enough to cover the entire upper body for completeprivacy and comfort. The wide rigid opening enables mom to see her baby at alltimes and ensures that the baby can breathe freely and also allow mom to checkthat baby has latch correctly while nursing. Plus a detachable burp cloth stayspositioned on the shoulders and can be removed for washing.
Specially designedto sit perfectly on both shoulders and fitted with high grade Velcro stylefasteners ensure that the cover will stay in place. The unique two-part designalso features a removable burp cloth making it easy to replace while on the go. The Nursing Cover Duo also creates an excellent shade for baby’sdelicate skin on sunny days or even as a light blanket on windy chilly days. Anadditional feature built into the NursingCover Duo is the built in front pocket for storing nursing pads andpacifiers. The package also includes a matching carry bag so moms can easilytake the cover with them, wherever they go and an extra burp cloth helps ensurethat one cloth is always clean and ready to go. It also reduces the need formother to buy expensive specialty nursing apparel.
The NursingCover Duo is made with 100% high-quality breathable cotton and is available ina wide range of patterns. It is designed to last, wash after wash and ismachine wash safe. Now available at and select juvenile productretailers.
WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Simplygood are giving away a Simplygood Nursing Cover Duo.
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**We received a complimentary Simplygood Nursing Cover Duo for review no financial compensation was received.